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Featured Renegade Mods

C&C Tropics Author: Aircraftkiller
C&C Tropics screen shot Description: This is a regular C&C mode map. This small island off of the Bahamas is being battered by tropical storm Gordon. Heavy winds and rain have been reported and the island has been long since evacuated. A Tiberium meteor has slammed into one of the mountain ridges and is spreading the so-called plant further across the globe. The Tiberium Silos that have been added to the map give you one extra credit per second, so you receive three a second if the Tiberium Silo is still active in your base.
C&C Titanic Author: Titan1X77
C&C Titanic screen shot Setting: NOD ship
Description: a converted single player level to MP INF only.REF and HON/Bar Mct's top defend/attack.Purchase keycards at PT's.Money rooms,private PT's,armor & health upgrades in seperate locked rooms.
Killerrk2's Dropmod Special Number 2 Author: killerrk2
Killerrk2's Dropmod Special Number 2 screen shot Here's a list of the soldiers this mod drops on the airstrip:
laserrifle 2, laserchaingun 2, voltautorifle 2, Ramjet 2 & Chaingun 2

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