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Featured Renegade Mods

Above Author: (not specified)
Above screen shot Both bases are underground, no guard tower or obelisk and access is via large tunnels. Don't get caught out by the huge pit as there is no way out alive.
Stealth Tank Mod Author: killerrk2
Stealth Tank Mod screen shot This mod drops a Stealth tank in the single player first level.
Lunar Landing Racing Author: Beach Head (Ingrownlip)
Lunar Landing Racing screen shot A landscape like none other, the battle between GDI and Nod rages out on the moon. Nod had been working on a secret project, and GDI came to disrupt it. This new setting takes place in the total vaccuum of space and the only protection is a liquid bubble. There is even a memorial for a nation known for it's space exploration. A distant view of earth will make a few homesick.

This one plays fast as there are no defenses...

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